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Gobi desert Tours

Explore Mongolia Gobi desert tours

6 Days/ 5 Nights

Gobi Desert Tour

12 Days/ 11 nights

Explore Gobi & Central

10 Days/ 9 Nights

Gobi Adventure tour

8 Days/ 7 Nights

Best Gobi desert tour

10 Days/ 9 Nights

Kharkhorum and Gobi Tour

13 Days/ 12 Nights

Gobi and Horseback Adventure

About Gobi Desert Tours

Gobi Desert Tours offer a wide range of exciting activities and experiences that enable you to immerse yourself in the region’s rich culture and stunning natural landscapes. Additionally, during Gobi Desert tours, you can enjoy thrilling hikes, camel treks, and off-road adventures. These experiences provide opportunities to explore the rugged desert beauty.

Top Things To Do During Gobi desert Tours

Baga Gazarin Chuluu: Explore special rocks and hills that make a beautiful landscape. Hike through rocky terrain and take stunning photos of the desert scenery.

Yol Valley : Hike through the breathtaking beauty of a deep, narrow canyon surrounded by tall cliffs.

Khongor Sand Dunes: Climb to the top of the dunes to take in the panoramic views. Enjoy camel riding.

Bayanzag (Flaming Cliffs): Discover the famous red sandstone cliffs, renowned for dinosaur fossils. Enjoy breathtaking sunset views as they turn fiery red.

Tsagaan Suvarga (White Stupa): Marvel at eye-catching white and red limestone rock formations that resemble ancient stupas. Capture the colorful cliffs against the blue sky.

Hiking and Horseback Riding: Enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and horseback riding through the park’s beautiful terrain.

Camel Riding: Enjoy a camel ride through the sand dunes.

Nomadic Culture: Visit local nomadic families to learn about their way of life and enjoy traditional Mongolian hospitality.

Hiking and Trekking:Embark on hikes through beautiful landscapes like Yol Valley , Baga gazariin chuluu or White stupa.

Discover Ancient Petroglyphs:Explore petroglyphs at Khavtsgait, which were created approximately 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

Wildlife Watching: Spot unique wildlife like the wild Bactrian camel, gazelles, and various bird species that live in the Gobi Desert.

Photography: Take pictures of the beautiful landscapes and distinctive desert features, from rolling sand dunes to vast, open expanses.

Relaxation and Reflection:Take time to relax in the serene countryside, enjoy the silence, and reflect on the natural beauty and unique culture of Mongolia.

Stargazing:Mongolia’s remote locations offer exceptional stargazing opportunities due to minimal light pollution.

Enjoy Mongolian cuisine by trying traditional dishes such as khorkhog , buuz, khushuur and airag (fermented mare’s milk).

When to Go to Mongolia?

The best time to visit Mongolia is during the Mongolian summer, from mid-June to the last week of August. This is the best time of the year to visit Mongolia in terms of weather. You’ll enjoy sunny days throughout the country, and there’s enough rainfall to make the steppes lush and green. Both June and September are very pleasant times to visit Mongolia. September, in particular, offers an enjoyable, colorful experience with comfortable temperatures that are neither too hot nor too cold. During this time, nomads have plenty of dairy products and are busy processing milk in preparation for winter. Explore Mongolia Gobi desert tours.

In terms of specific months

July is the best time to witness the Mongolia Naadam Festival.

The best season for a Gobi Desert tour is from June to September, with October being the shoulder season.

July to August is the ideal season for traveling to Northern Mongolia and taking a tour of Khuvsgul Lake, while September marks the beginning of the shoulder season.

The first week of October is a great opportunity to attend the Golden Eagle Festival in Altai, Western Mongolia.

February is the best time to experience Mongolia’s winter season.

Mongolia’s Seasons

Summer (June to August): Peak tourist season with warm weather and lush, green landscapes. Ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, horseback riding, and camping. Don’t miss the Naadam Festival in July.

Autumn (September to October): Pleasant weather with changing colors, perfect for trekking and photography.

Winter (November to February): Extremely cold, great for experiencing a true Mongolian winter with activities like ice fishing, dog sledding, and winter festivals. Be prepared for subzero temperatures, especially in Ulaanbaatar.

Spring (March to May): Transitional period with milder temperatures, but it can still be chilly, especially in March. Good for birdwatching as landscapes start to turn green, though road conditions may be challenging due to lingering winter effects. Enjoy Mongolia Gobi desert tours with us!