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Mongolia Gobi

Khermen Tsav

By February 22nd, 2025No Comments

Khermen Tsav

Khermen Tsav is an alluring red looking canyon that stretches for 15-20 km. 65-250 million years ago Khermen Tsav was an ocean bed. After dried out, millions of years wind and water erosion formed this majectic looking canyon with moon surface shapes. The red colors in the sunset brings you feel like you are on the moon surface. American Scholar and Paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews named this place as “The end of the world”. The site is known not only by its beauty of natural formation, but also by its findings of dinosaur fossils and eggs. The first full skeleton of a dinosaur was found in this place.

It is a precipice, located in 10 km from Gurvantes sum, Umnugobi province.
At the end, 10 km wide and 100-200 m deep. When see it from far it is looks like ruin of big city. Here the mud rock stretches from the northwest to the southwest and the formation of Khermen Tsav resembles unfinished artistic architecture and well-designed red brick buildings of ancient cities. Many Dinosaur fossils were found here among the saxaul forest and desert plants. Khermen tsav is 450km from Dalanzadgad (center of Umnugobi province), 250km from Khongor sand dunes so we can via some picturesque land such as Zulganai, Narandaats and Gurvantes. Explore and travel Mongolia

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